Your One-On-One Professional Coach and Author of Tell Me Who Made You Smile Today.

My Sweet Memories Album

Prof.Victor Yap @ Yap Pow Hocck & 
International Physics Science Education & Charity Team Members


                          Tun Dr. Mahathir & Prof.Victor Yap     Tun Siti Hasmah & Prof.Victor Yap

         Ambassador of Australia & Prof.Victor Yap         Tunku Khatijah & Prof. Victor Yap

       Ambassador of Brunei & Prof. Victor Yap     Princess Tunku Khatijah & Prof.Victor Yap

Ambassador of USA & Prof. Victor Yap       Ambassador of Germany & Prof.Victor Yap

                   Tunku Zara & Prof.Victor Yap             Ambassador of England & Prof. Victor Yap

            Ambassador of India & Prof.Victor Yap    Ambassador of Thailand & Prof.Victor Yap

      Ambassador of Indonesia & Prof.Victor Yap     Ambassador of Canada & Prof.Victor Yap





Semoga Anda Semua Berjaya Selalu !!